UPDATED @ 6:21 A.M.:
Road Closure Update: Spring Street, between Modoc and Gardendale, has been reduced to one lane, due to communication lines on the roadway. Please avoid the area if possible.
The City of Medford has reported extremely icy roads throughout Medford this morning. If you don’t need to travel, stay at home. If you need to go out, slow down, give yourself extra time, and use extreme caution. Conditions are not expected to improve until temperatures rise.
Northbound I-5 is closed at North Yreka due to icy roads. There is no current estimated time when the freeway will reopen at this time.
OREGON & CALIFORNIA — NewsWatch 12 is tracking several chain requirements in place across the region tonight, including at Siskiyou Summit. The closure of I-5 has ended, but traffic is backed up significantly on I-5 southbound and northbound getting over Siskiyou Summit after the closure earlier Tuesday for several hours. The only road closure is OR-273 (MP 0 to 12) and a conditional closure of OR-66 (MP 6.5 to 50.6)
For a more extensive look at roadway conditions and chain requirements, you can visit https://tripcheck.com/ and https://quickmap.dot.ca.gov/.
Liv Collom is a reporter/producer at NewsWatch 12. You can reach Liv at lcollom@kdrv.com.